
Samuel Pug - June 2010

Friday, 31 December 2010

The First Noel

Like almost every other day, Samuel was up before the sun on December 25th, quickly followed by myself, whose excitement and enthusiasm for the holiday could not be outdone, even by a sackful of Santa's Elves.

For his first Christmas, Samuel had amassed quite a number of gifts, though it took him a while to get the hang of unwrapping them. The alluring scent of the meaty treats beneath the paper made the task much more appealing, and he was soon the owner of a new bag of kibble, a smorgasbord of treats, and several new toys, including a squeaky cracker and a replacement for the chicken he destroyed a few months earlier.

It was then off to Barry for food and Wii Fit fun. More presents were opened as Samuel entertained himself with his newly acquired stuffed turkey. He greedily eyed the real turkey as we prepared the dinner. We were accompanied at the table by his doe-like eyes, telling a tale of woeful neglect. His shameful attempts at begging worked and he was soon reward by a smattering of meat.

Fit to bursting, everyone set about firing virtual bows and arrows and engaging in sword fights in an attempt to work off some of the pudding. Even Samuel joined in, insisting on standing in front of the TV every time we tried to bowl.

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