
Samuel Pug - June 2010

Monday 30 May 2011

Birthday BBQ

After the making the shameful mistake of thinking Samuel's birthday to be a week later than it actually was, a celebration was in order as a means of apologising. Though the weather wasn't perfect, the sight of Samuel and his party hat more than made up for the lack of sunshine.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

The (welcomed) American Invasion

Family, friends, guests, visitors and landlords. Whatever their guise, Samuel loves anyone who walks through the door. So accepting is he of strangers, he'll lick your face before you've even taken your coat off. When we knew we'd be having house guests for the best part of a week, towels and sheets weren't the only things on our mind. We were also mentally preparing for Samuel's reaction.

And what a reaction it was.

Not as bad as we first thought, the love Samuel showed his new American associates proved what a sweet, albeit mischievous, pug pooch he really is. There was no limit to his care free nature; falling asleep on laps and legs, casting glances with saucer-sized eyes whenever food was brought to the table, and waiting anxiously at the foot of the stairs whenever anyone went up them.

As well as a holiday for our guests, Samuel too enjoyed partaking in the activities we had laid on, especially the long walks to Llandaff Cathedral and around Hay-on-Wye, and is looking forward to our next house guests. Who knows, perhaps he might accompany us back to California and solidify his status as an honorary Ameripug!

Many thanks to Stacey for the photograph.

Monday 18 April 2011

A Birthday Blunder

Having spent the days before Samuel's first birthday with growing excitement, the occasion was made all the more memorable by a most embarrassing of blunders.

The night before the 26th March, Samuel's date of birth, I nostalgically took a glance at his Kennel Club documents. Imagine my horror then when I saw that his birthday wasn't the 26th at all, but the week before, on the 19th. The 26th was the date of registration. His birthday had passed by without murmur or merriment! The guilt was overwhelming.

What terrible pug parents!

Samuel, thankfully, knew no better and proceeded to open his cards with all the vigour of the one-year old he now was. We knew we had a lot of making up to do!

Monday 4 April 2011

Sunday 20 March 2011


Innocent looking at first, each is as naughty as the other!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Kill Count

With the hair problem somewhat under control, attention turned to toys.

Despite not having the powerful canines of a Rottweiler or the brute strength of a Great Dane, Samuel takes no prisoners when it comes to playthings. In the eight-odd months he's been with us, the victims of his single-handed attack have been steadily mounting, and it was time to bury the corpses.

Garishly displayed, with tears, holes and missing parts, Samuel eyed his collective cull, wanting nothing more than to sink his teeth into them all one last time.

Watch out new toys; filling will fly!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

The Post Pug

With the vacuum cleaner working wonders, it was time to tackle the source. A stickler for online reviews, I'd read a lot about a new grooming tool from Kong called the 'Zoom Groom'; a rubber brush reputed to remove more dead hair than the average bristled type. Considering it the perfect ally to the new Miele, I swiftly added one to my virtual shopping basket.

"Oh, you opened it," I said to Barri a few days later, noticing the Zoom Groom atop the piano.

"I didn't," he replied, reaching for the camera.

Monday 7 February 2011

A Hairy Situation

All those moons ago, when Samuel was a mere glint in our eye, we never gave much thought to how much a pug sheds. In all other areas of research we were meticulous and poured over books and websites, thirsty for pug philosophy.

We knew about face fold maintenance and how it's best to keep on top of it, for your nose's sake if nothing else. We learnt that pugs and heat don't mix, and were fearful of a vampire-esque combustion should Samuel step into the sun. We were clued up on weight issues and had a list of famous pug owners as long as our arm.

But the shedding evaded us.

Like a pesky hair, the issue seemed to dig itself right into the carpet and stubbornly refused to budge. When our old vacuum cleaner packed in, and the blue carpet on the stairs was fast-turning fawn, something had to be done.

With our old model consigned to the scrapheap, we set about doing what we did best; researching. After reading countless cleaner reviews, one vacuum kept on rearing its dust-destroying head; the Miele Cat and Dog Turbo 5000. With a name like a cyborg, we were intrigued, and decided to put it to the test.

Though not cheap, I can honesty say a more worthy pound was never spent. Despite Samuel being more interested in the puppy on the box, this is the best vacuum cleaner ever! With such weaponry in our arsenal, we not only won the war against pug hair, but reclaimed the kingdom too, which now has blue carpet again.

A Boot of One's Own

With the acquisition of a new shoe-shaped toy, Samuel was free to indulge his destructive urges without any fear of repercussion.

Monday 17 January 2011


Inspired by his recent viewing of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, Samuel set off on his own quest in deepest Ogmore-by-Sea. While there wasn't the burden of a cursed ring of power, there was an unfortunate sighting of a dead goose, which Samuel thankfully ignored.