
Samuel Pug - June 2010

Monday, 26 July 2010

What are you looking at?

When Samuel encountered his reflection for the first time he was unsure what to do with it. He had first been intrigued by the brown paper wrapping that concealed the looking glass, yet once removed, the mirror held his attention like yogurt and snails had done before.

Was he looking at himself or at another dog? Samuel wasn't sure. He barked, and the reflection barked back. He moved, and the reflection moved with him. Why wouldn't this dog leave him alone?

Cyber Dog

Samuel about to check his latest blog post. A truly 21st century canine!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

"I Pledge Allegiance..."

Here is Samuel celebrating Independence Day. He has since been initiated into the Honorary Ameripug Hall of Fame.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Tug of War

After the somewhat tentative introduction to his collar and lead, it was now time to put Samuel's restraint to the test. This wasn't his first time on the lead. He had already traveled up the road and back several times, swerving to avoid lampposts and stopping to sniff at every opportunity. A tumble had been narrowly avoided on numerous occasions as his love of crossing paths produced a tangled mess of legs and lead.

This particular trip was different. Samuel was going to the park. There were ducks there, and difficult terrain to navigate. An uphill walk stood before him and the expanse of green. How would he cope?

Well, fine it turned out. Though there were no humorous encounters with any proud water fowl, the trip to Thompson Park was comical, if only for the way Samuel insisted on walking us there.

A Tasty Treat

Destined to become one of Wales' most pampered poochs, Samuel relishes the idea of sampling all manner of treats. The natural yoghurt went down particularly well. Here he is licking the spoon clean. Who knows what he'll be like with the cottage cheese?

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Working Like a Dog

Samuel after an exhausting day of editing and eating.

A New Kind of Editing

Since Samuel's arrival, we've found that our other interest have taken a back seat, and that the little time we have to dedicate to them is often small, stolen moments when his Pug Highness is snoozing. To try and attempt any sort of non-Pug related activity during waking hours often proves fruitless.

Take writing for example. With a whole book draft to edit, Samuel was quick to offer his services by biting at those words he thought surplus to the overall text. He obviously more of a "Marley and Me" fan.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

The Great Outdoors

With Samuel now wholly comfortable with the house, the back yard was an entirely new place to explore. Everything caught his eye, and was quickly investigated by a sniffing nose. Twigs, clods of mud, a snail, stones, a piece of coal, leaves and a woodlouse were just a few of the things that ended up in his mouth.

Hot Dog

Samuel enjoying the sunshine, albeit indoors. Well, he is a Pug.