
Samuel Pug - June 2010

Sunday, 27 June 2010


Being a free spirit, there's nothing Samuel likes more (food and sleep undoubtedly excluded) than to run loose, unencumbered by the many trappings of domestication. Unfortunately, life in the 'Big City' is not so Enid Blyton inspired, and whilst he had previously enjoyed the freedom to roam, he was soon to learn that a collar and lead is a necessity for a young city pup.

Needless to say, whilst all other introductions thus far had gone relatively smoothly, Samuel's acquaintance with his 'restraints' was a little more passionate, and at the start, it looked like he would be the one who lead the lead. After several attempts, the relationship became much more amicable, and Samuel came to understand that through his endurance, he would be rewarded with many long and exciting walks.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Clocking Off

So Samuel's first day home drew to an end. The whole experience had been a sensory overload, not only for him, but for us. Our noses had become accustom to the subtle scent of dog; our eyes were continually on the lookout for any ground sniffing or inclination towards a particular area of the carpet; our ears found a sudden yelp unfamiliar yet comforting. Our lives were never going to be the same. As we pondered this realisation, Samuel was only thinking about one thing, and no doubt dreaming about another.

And we wouldn't have him any other way.

Samuel the Sausage Slayer

The first toy to feel Samuel's sharp end was the string of sausages. Answering his feral instincts he was quick to pounce on them, teeth at the ready. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't long before one of the forlorn faces lost its nose.

At the time of writing, only two remain.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

New Dog, Old Tricks

Samuel partaking in what I'm sure will become his favourite post-meal activity. I think I sense a pattern forming...

Cometh the Food, Cometh the Pug.

Samuel's first meal in his new home was less about the food and more about the food bowl. Thinking he'd appreciate the gesture, we bought him a decorative mat to place beneath his bowls, which we hoped would go some way in helping to limit the wide trajectory of his kibble. It turned out that this mat had a mischievous way of causing the bowl to slide, and it was on this first occasion of slippage that Samuel found his voice.

"Yelp! Yelp! Whine...whine...whine...and then run away!"

And so it continued, inching up to the food bowl after each vocal display of confusion, gulping a few morsels down before shuffling backwards on his rump.

We've since removed the mat and Samuel has come to learn the harmlessness of his bowls. He now eagerly gobbles down breakfast, lunch and supper without a second thought.

Nothing can come between a Pug and his food!

New Digs

Rather than start to unpack, the first thing Samuel did once he arrived in his new home was to be sick! Surely his first impression wasn't that bad? I'd spent the previous days cleaning relentlessly, as if royalty was expected, and was not bargaining on such a blunt opinion. However, his sickness shortly subsided and he was soon inside the house, sniffing intently.

Barri and I watched him as he surveyed the landscape that was our living room. Where would he even begin? There was so much to explore, so many new scents to be sampled and savoured. Would he rush to the tall vase? Perhaps it was to be the towering bookcase that took his fancy? Of maybe, he might just become enamored with the TV and the lure of its wires.

His eventual choice was far less exciting. After cowering beneath the coffee table like, well, a scared pup, he once again sought solace in sleep. Having become accustom to the comforts of a warm and inviting lap, he saw no reason to change his habits so soon, and was shortly snoozing, Toad nestled comfortably at his side.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Homeward Bound

The journey home was surprisingly uncomplicated. Samuel hailed from a breeder in West Wales, more specifically, from Princes Gate near Narberth. To give him his more formal, registered title, Rugdash Warrior Chief had been waiting for our arrival for two weeks and was outwardly unnerved by the prospect of the two and a bit hour car ride home. In fact, it was me who needed to stop at the services for some light relief rather than him. He managed the entire journey with nothing more than a whimper, and was peacefully dozing throughout most of its duration. An old towel and one of his new toys kept him company, whilst Barri and I provided alternative laps upon which to sleep.

The Day Arrives

From the moment the day dawned, Samuel pug knew it was going to be different. The lack of breakfast had been a distinct giveaway.

Barri and I had been waiting for this day. It was the culmination of endless anticipation, imagining and saving. Tips had been stockpiled and ISA's plundered. Numerous obstacles had set us back, yet after five years of unwavering patience, Samuel was finally coming home.

He was bound to be scared. Who wouldn't be? He was leaving behind his mother, his father, his sister and friends; all the familiarity he had ever known. We were prepared for this. Soft and squeaky toys had been purchased, along with beds and blankets, bowls and brushes. Everything was ready and waiting for his arrival. The only thing missing was the Pug himself.