
Samuel Pug - June 2010

Monday, 30 May 2011

Birthday BBQ

After the making the shameful mistake of thinking Samuel's birthday to be a week later than it actually was, a celebration was in order as a means of apologising. Though the weather wasn't perfect, the sight of Samuel and his party hat more than made up for the lack of sunshine.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The (welcomed) American Invasion

Family, friends, guests, visitors and landlords. Whatever their guise, Samuel loves anyone who walks through the door. So accepting is he of strangers, he'll lick your face before you've even taken your coat off. When we knew we'd be having house guests for the best part of a week, towels and sheets weren't the only things on our mind. We were also mentally preparing for Samuel's reaction.

And what a reaction it was.

Not as bad as we first thought, the love Samuel showed his new American associates proved what a sweet, albeit mischievous, pug pooch he really is. There was no limit to his care free nature; falling asleep on laps and legs, casting glances with saucer-sized eyes whenever food was brought to the table, and waiting anxiously at the foot of the stairs whenever anyone went up them.

As well as a holiday for our guests, Samuel too enjoyed partaking in the activities we had laid on, especially the long walks to Llandaff Cathedral and around Hay-on-Wye, and is looking forward to our next house guests. Who knows, perhaps he might accompany us back to California and solidify his status as an honorary Ameripug!

Many thanks to Stacey for the photograph.

Monday, 18 April 2011

A Birthday Blunder

Having spent the days before Samuel's first birthday with growing excitement, the occasion was made all the more memorable by a most embarrassing of blunders.

The night before the 26th March, Samuel's date of birth, I nostalgically took a glance at his Kennel Club documents. Imagine my horror then when I saw that his birthday wasn't the 26th at all, but the week before, on the 19th. The 26th was the date of registration. His birthday had passed by without murmur or merriment! The guilt was overwhelming.

What terrible pug parents!

Samuel, thankfully, knew no better and proceeded to open his cards with all the vigour of the one-year old he now was. We knew we had a lot of making up to do!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Flower Friends

Samuel introduces himself to the daffodils in Thompson Park.

Sunday, 20 March 2011


Innocent looking at first, each is as naughty as the other!